Secondary education in Eindhoven with personal attention

At the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum, everything is about small scale and personal attention, because it is precisely this combination that ensures an enjoyable and successful school experience. Here everyone gets the attention he or she deserves, which makes learning not only more effective but also much more fun! As one of the secondary schools in Eindhoven, we want to create a place where you can grow and discover what you are good at. Whether you choose havo, atheneum, or gymnasium, with us you will find all possibilities. With us you will feel at home and be stimulated to get the best out of yourself, in an environment where secondary education
really comes into its own!

Modern education

Our long history is important to us, but that doesn't mean we sit still! Innovation plays a big role in our classes, because we believe that modern tools and methods can help you better. As one of the most progressive secondary schools in Eindhoven, we will even open a brand new school building with even better facilities in August 2024. With us, you will have the time and space to grow, take on new challenges and spark your curiosity. We want you to learn by doing and discovering, because the best lessons are often the most fun adventures!

Discover your passions

At the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum, everything is about you! It is important to us that you feel comfortable and can be yourself. Our school is located in a beautiful, green part of Eindhoven, where you can learn and grow in peace. As one of the schools for secondary education in Eindhoven, we not only give you the opportunity to perform well at school, but also to develop yourself. Whether you love sports, art, science or something else, we encourage you to follow your passions. In this way, we not only help you with your exams, but also to be ready for the future and find your own place within secondary education in Eindhoven and beyond!

Get the best out of yourself

The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum offers personal attention, modern classes and a fine, inspiring environment. Here you can grow, learn and discover at your own pace in a place where you feel at home. As one of the secondary schools in Eindhoven, we help you get the best out of yourself and enjoy going to school! With us you can develop your talents and discover new interests.

You can choose from havo, atheneum and gymnasium with us. We offer every opportunity for you to grow and discover what you are good at.
Bullying and the consequences it can have are explicitly addressed in undergraduate mentoring classes. Guest lessons are also regularly organized. The school feels responsible for anti-bullying policy and makes every effort to prevent this problem by being attentive to bullying behavior and taking appropriate action when it is identified. Cooperation with the parents will often be necessary, both in terms of signaling and dealing with it.
We offer many opportunities to explore your passions, whether it's sports, art, science, or something else. Think about theater, music, fields days, and many other activities
If it turns out that you need extra guidance with planning, learning (executive skills) or anything else you can get remedial teaching or guidance from a student counselor.
Our school offers professional guidance in cases of, for example, fear of failure, dyslexia, giftedness, ASD, AD(H)D or any personal problems. Together with you, the student counselor examines what works best for you and helps you find your own way in school.