What does the Lorentz Casimir stand for?

Updated on: November 11, 2024

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The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum originated in 1996 from a merger between the Lorentz Lyceum and the Rommert Casimir Havo. The Lorentz Lyceum was founded in 1929 by parents who wanted a general education for their children. The Rommert Casimir Havo was founded in 1946 as a secondary school for girls on a Christian basis and was converted into a havo on a general basis in 1968.

The current Lorentz Casimir Lyceum is governed by the Stichting Algemeen Bijzonder Onderwijs Eindhoven.


Our mission - what do we stand for?

In the constantly changing world, the young adult is guided to discover and further develop his knowledge and talents.Obtaining a havo, atheneum or gymnasium diploma is central, laying the foundation for further education.The student is also well equipped to actively participate in the changing society. At the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum it is important that students learn:

  • challenging themselves to get the most out of themselves;
  • be curious and demonstrate an inquisitive attitude;
  • take responsibility for their own learning;
  • be respectful of and open to the opinions of others;
  • see the talents of others so they can work better with others;
  • make friends and have a good time together at school.

Our vision - what are we going for?

Our vision is based on the above values. They are central to our way of learning and working together:

  1. WeSEEthe student standing, because we
  • are curious about that student and students are curious about the other;
  • appreciate talents;
  • help if needed;
  • Provide an enjoyable atmosphere in which to learn and work;
  • his pride;
  • everyone is allowed to be there and everyone gets the best opportunities with us.


2. WeCHALLENGEthe student, because we

  • prepare them for the future;
  • give them the confidence to take responsibility for their own learning;
  • let that student make his or her own choices;
  • encourage them to perform well while working on personal development;
  • let them actively participate in the rapidly changing world outside school, both regionally, in our Brainport region, nationally and internationally.