Sick leave counseling

Updated on: November 7, 2024

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The school closely monitors student absenteeism. If we are concerned, we inform you. We can also report the student to the youth health care team. They then invite you and your son or daughter for an interview. The youth doctor then discusses what is causing the absenteeism and how further absenteeism can be limited. The health of the young person is always central to this. The GGD then invites the student and parent(s) for an interview. At the request of the school the GGD can also give advice on the ability of a sick student to cope. After the interview, in consultation with the student and parent(s), information is fed back to school.

The school forwards relevant information to the GGD. If parents have any objections to this, they can report it to the conrector guidance Mrs. Schoeren.