Promotion from 2 havo, 2 havo/vwo, 2 vwo, 3 havo and 3 vwo

Updated on: October 17, 2024

Topics for this chapter



  • Final grades on the report card are based on the moving year average and are rounded to whole numbers.
  • A final grade or qualification (physical education only) is given for each subject on the class schedule, with the exception of Cambridge Pro (grade 3) and Quest.
  • Subject group I: Dutch, English (for grade 2 this is Cambridge Pre instead of English), French, German, Latin, Greek, history, geography, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, drawing. In Gymnasium 2, the grades for Latin and Greek are combined to one grade of "classical languages.
  • Subject group II: 3Design, music
  • Subject group III: physical education


The following criteria apply for promotion from 2 havo, 2 vwo, 3 havo and 3 vwo:

  • All final grades of the subjects in subject group I are 6 or higher.


  • One final grade of a subject in subject group I is a 5 and the remaining final grades of the subjects in subject group I are 6 or higher.


  • The final grades for the subjects in subject group I are 1 x 4 or 2 x 5 or 1 x 5 and 1 x 4 and the other final grades are 6 or higher and the average of all final grades for the subjects in subject group I is at least 6.0. For the subjects Dutch, English and mathematics no more than one 5 may be obtained as final grade.
  • The course in subject group III must be completed with "met.


In addition, the average of all final grades of the subjects in subject group II must be at least 6.0. The final grades of the courses in subject group II do not result in compensation points.


For promotion from 2hv to 3 havo the following criteria apply:

  • All final grades of the subjects in subject group I are 6 or higher.


  • One final grade of a subject in subject group I is a 5 and the remaining final grades of the subjects in subject group I are 6 or higher.


  • The final grades for the subjects in subject group I are 1×4 or 2×5 or 1×5 and 1x4 or 1×3 or 3×5 and the other final grades are 6 or higher and the average of all final grades for the subjects in subject group I is at least 5.8. For the subjects Dutch, English and mathematics no more than one 5 may be obtained as final grade.
  • The course in subject group III must be completed with "met.


In addition, the average of all final grades of the subjects in subject group II must be at least 6.0. The final grades of the courses in subject group II do not result in compensation points.

If the promotion standard is not met, graduation may be doubled in 2 havo.



The following criteria apply for promotion from 2hv to 3 vwo:

  • All final grades of the subjects in subject group I are 6 or higher and the average of all final grades in subjects in subject group I s at least 7.0.


  • One final grade of a subject in subject group I is a 5 and the average of all final grades of the subjects in subject group I is at least 7.0.


  • The final grades for the subjects in subject group I are 1×4 or 2×5 or 1×5 and 1×4 and the average of all final grades in subject group I is at least 7.0. For the subjects Dutch, English and mathematics no more than one 5 may be obtained as a final grade.
  • The course in subject group III must be completed with "met.


In addition, the average of all final grades of the subjects in subject group II must be at least 6.0. The final grades of the courses in subject group II do not result in compensation points.


A student who does not meet the transition standards is eligible for consideration if raising one of the final grades by 1 point would meet the transition standards.


A student in 2 or 3 gymnasium who is rejected for 3 or 4 gymnasium can be promoted to 3 or 4 atheneum. For this, the final grades for the subjects Latin and Greek or classical languages do not count.


A student in 2 or 3 vwo who is rejected for 3 or 4 vwo may be promoted to 3 or 4 havo. The meeting may also decide that parents and student may choose between promotion to the havo department or doubling in the vwo department.


If a student from the havo department wishes to be promoted to the vwo department, the promotion meeting will decide on admission. The parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student in question may make their wish known in writing to the conrector of guidance.