Furnishing bridge class

Updated on: October 3, 2024

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The bridge classes are divided into havo classes, havo/vwo classes, atheneum classes, gymnasium classes and a gymnasium plus class. A condition for placement in an atheneum or gymnasium bridge class is a vwo recommendation from the elementary school. In the gymnasium-plus class Extra challenge is offered to more- and highly gifted students.. These students have a test report or test data that shows that they are gifted or more gifted.

The gymnasium

In the gymnasium class, students can be introduced to the subject of Latin in 2 lessons per week. Moreover, in these lessons, much attention is paid to various aspects of classical culture. However, the possibility remains for all bridge class students - including those who have not taken Latin - to choose gymnasium after the bridge class, provided they have been promoted to 2 vwo. For these students, there is a catch-up program in Latin. Greek classes begin in grade 2.

More- or highly gifted students may be placed in the gymnasium-plus class based on appropriate test data. These students are offered a more challenging curriculum with subjects such as programming & design and philosophy. Students in the gymnasium-plus class progress more quickly through the regular curriculum.

Two-year havo/vwo class

Students with a havo/vwo recommendation are admitted to this class.Students are given two years to explore which level best suits them: havo or vwo.

This class focuses on formative practice and testing within the regular testing policy and curriculum. Based on teacher feedback and test results, a good picture of the student's level can be formed. Students are given the opportunity for supervised homework at school. After the second grade, students advance to 3 havo or 3 vwo.