Furnishing superstructure

Updated on: October 3, 2024

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The Second Phase is an educational arrangement of the upper years of havo and vwo, regulated by law. Students in grade 3 choose from four profiles. A profile consists of a coherent educational program that prepares the student for an education at college or university.

These four profiles are:

  • nature and technology;
  • nature and health;
  • economy and society;
  • culture and society.


Each profile has a common part. There is also a profile part with 3 subjects, which characterizes each of the profiles, and one profile elective. Finally, there is a free part. At least one more freely selectable examination subject must be taken in the free section. In the free section, in addition to all existing subjects at our school in the havo department, students can choose the subjects, HavoPro (practically oriented program society or technique) BSM (Movement, Sports and Society), computer science (only for NT- and NG-profile) and business economics. In the vwo department, students can choose math D (only for NT profile), computer science and business economics.


In the Program of Examination and Organization (PTO) we make clear which tests will be given during the school year for each subject. The program indicates the type of test, a short description of the subject and the weighting of the test. Minor deviations from the PTO may occur due to unforeseen circumstances.


The final exam falls into two parts. One part is a central exam that is the same for every student, but of course different for havo and vwo. In addition to the central exam, there is also a part organized by the school, the school examination. The school exam is also called the examination file. Only a fully completed exam file entitles the student to take part in the central exam. The requirements for the school exam are laid down in the program of tests and examinations (PTA) and consist of tests, practical assignments, the profile piece of work and test papers. The central exam is held in May.

After this first period, all candidates may take examinations in one more subject during the second period in June. Students who were absent from one or more exam sessions for a valid reason may use the second and/or third period to complete their exams. In the third period, exams will be administered externally in August.

For all examination matters, students and parents can contact the secretary of the final examination, Mr. J. van Houtert.

The PTAs and exam regulations can be found on LCL Home.