Education at the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum

Updated on: October 7, 2024

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The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum trains for the final examinations in havo, atheneum and gymnasium. The Higher General Secondary Education (havo) department provides a general education of five years, the diploma of which gives access to higher vocational education or a transfer to vwo 5. The havist is a bright student who prefers to learn through experience and doing things.

The atheneum, together with the gymnasium, forms the Preparatory Science Education (vwo). This is a six-year course, the diploma of which gives access to higher vocational education or university. The vwo student seeks depth of content with which to prepare for a more academic study. In addition to the vwo profile, the gymnasium student chooses to focus on the languages and culture of classical antiquity, which are partly the cradle of our current culture and morality.