Broad educational offerings for all

Updated on: November 11, 2024

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The rapidly changing society demands the development of new skills such as innovative thinking, creativity, flexibility, the ability to cooperate and communicate, presenting oneself in writing and orally, et cetera. The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum wants to contribute to these competence requirements for the future and has developed a broad package of educational activities to this end. Consequently, since June 2015, the school has joined the Brainport Schools partnership.

The Brainport Schools in the region distinguish themselves by their special attention to the following themes in their education: 21st century skills, innovative learning, collaboration, high tech, entrepreneurship, design and development, ict and media, internationalization, relationship with the environment (Brainport region) and sustainability. As a Brainport School, the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum presents itself with various special educational activities.


Quest is the name we have given to an entirely unique form of education in which students learn to work in projects. Students work in groups on different Quest Challenges per grade. The challenges start from a current or relevant issue through which Quest provides a connection to the world outside the school.

During lessons, the emphasis is on inquiry-based and design-based learning (challenge-based learning) in which students develop skills such as collaboration, inquiry, presentation and evaluation/reflection.
The angles of inquiry are related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
In addition, aspects of citizenship and digital literacy are addressed at Quest.




In the lower grades, the subjects handicrafts and technology have been merged into the new subject 3Design. In addition to the basic techniques from the aforementioned subjects, we also apply design thinking to develop new products. In the upper school we have transformed the subject Cultural and Artistic Education into the subject 'design'. We want to achieve that students are less consumptive with culture but work creatively and innovatively on the design of art, cultural and design products.


Our society has long since moved beyond national borders: globalization is a fact of life in today's world. Therefore, it is important that we prepare students to learn, work and live in another country, or to function within an international context at home. The school offers numerous activities to expand students' horizons. These begin as early as the bridge class, with an exchange with a school in Kempen, where students experience a day in the life of our eastern neighbors. With a certain regularity, groups of students go to Bayeux with the history section. We go on day trips with various groups, including, for example, language trips to Lille, Cologne and Namur.

For a large group of upper school students, in addition to these activities, there are the trips abroad to major European cities such as Berlin, Krakow and Prague. Each trip has a good balance of cultural sights and other ways to relax. It is important to the LCL that all students are able to participate in the trips. If the cost of the trips is an insurmountable problem, please contact the Rector to discuss options.

The developments in the Brainport region also bring internationalization easily into the school. As a result, an orientation on world citizenship can no longer be separated from our regular educational program. Where possible, we incorporate activities such as (online) exchanges into our curriculum.

Extra attention to language and math

The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum makes every effort to maintain the language and math skills of students. . Within the subject of mathematics, arithmetic skills are maintained, and if necessary brought up to standard . . Later this is done in conjunction with subjects such as physics and economics. During the year we monitor the improvement of the level with validated tests. Students in havo 4 without mathematics in their curriculum will receive an extra hour of math on the class schedule for one year.

At the Lorentz Casimir, we think language skills are important. In all classes, we pay attention to oral and written language skills so that students can express themselves at an appropriate level and get by in school subjects.

For non-native students, there is Language Support in the junior and senior years. These meetings are aimed at acquiring (school) language, both orally and in writing. Students get to work with authentic and current Dutch-language offerings in order to get a better grip on the Dutch language together by increasing their vocabulary and sense of Dutch.

Attention to citizenship

The purpose of citizenship education at Lorentz Casimir Lyceum is to guide students to become open, curious and critical citizens who want to make a positive contribution to current social issues now and in the future. We provide students with knowledge about the democratic rule of law and offer them a safe training ground to develop the skills necessary for good citizenship. We do this by providing every student with opportunities to acquire this knowledge and skills, both inside and outside the classroom.

Citizenship finds a place within each subject and in the norms and values we share at our school. In some subjects citizenship comes forward more strongly, for example Quest, ckv, history and social studies. In addition, we organize activities with a clear link to citizenship, such as an excursion to the Lower House and Purple Friday, but also in organizational forms such as sounding board groups and the mini-mentorship.



HavoPro is an elective subject in havo 4. Here, students engage in a practice-oriented program consisting of realistic assignments from the business world. They work in groups on an issue and join a company. In the process, students develop skills such as entrepreneurial thinking, presentation, cooperation and (self)reflection. This gives them a good picture of their competencies and possibilities for further education and professions. Students can choose a social (pgp-M*) or technical variant (pgp-T**). In the social variant, the program of the LCL Business Class (BC), among others, is offered. In the technical variant, exact subjects are the starting point. 

pgp-M: Practice-oriented program social

pgp-T: hands-on technology program


In our gymnasium bridge classes, students are introduced to the classical languages and the ideas and culture of the Romans and Greeks. Knowledge of our classical culture provides a keen insight into the here and now and gives students a very broad and solid foundation in their overall development. Translating from Latin and Greek develops their analytical and creative abilities; this strengthens the understanding and learning of other languages and also helps in solving difficult problems in other (including science) subjects. Gymnasium takes you into the mythology, art, architecture, drama, history and philosophy of the Greeks and Romans, teaching students to see the world around them in perspective. In our eyes, the classical languages are alive and well!


This school year the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum is starting a GymnasiumPlus class. This class is meant for more- and highly gifted children. Offering a challenging curriculum with deepening and strengthening the social-emotional aspect are the starting points. The class is open to students with an appropriate score on a recognized giftedness test.

The GymnasiumPlus class moves through the standard curriculum faster, freeing up time to work on project learning. In addition, students are offered programming and philosophy, an extension of the gymnasium curriculum. Excursions give the project education more depth.

Much attention is paid to the personal development of this group of students. For example, the mentor has specialized in guiding the gifted and highly gifted. During the mentor lessons, he or she will pay extra attention to, for example, learning to learn, positive psychology and metacognitive skills.

Profile essay

The profile paper is the conclusion of your high school term. It is your master's thesis: a large piece of work in the form of a research or design. This paper is linked to one or more subjects and you work on it in pairs. Together with your partner you will have each other's support during this process.

From the beginning you will receive detailed explanations about what the profile paper entails, what criteria it must meet and the deadlines for the different phases. Each duo has its own supervisor who will help and support you throughout the process. In addition, there are profile paper classes in which you will be helped with the start-up of your paper. Our school also offers a digital environment on our network with an extensive collection of resources to support you in making a good profile paper.

One of the biggest advantages of the profile paper is that you get to choose your own topic. This allows many students to work on a topic that truly interests them, which makes the process more fun and engaging. As a result, students are often very proud of their final result.

In short, the profile paper is not only an important conclusion to your secondary school days, but also an opportunity to show what you can do and where your interests lie. With the right guidance and support, you can look back on your master's thesis with pleasure and pride.