In the bridge class

Updated on: October 3, 2024

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At the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum, we think it is important that you receive good guidance. Especially during your first year, because the step from elementary school to high school can be very exciting. You will have a mentor and two mini-mentors (students from the upper grades of our school) assigned to you. You will get to know the mentor and your classmates really well during the introduction days. 

Vision of support
It is important to us that as a student at the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum you can develop to your full potential and learn to take responsibility for yourself. To this end, you will receive good personal support from the bridge class to the final exam year. Our teachers, mentors and year group coordinators are closely involved with you.

If it appears that you need extra guidance with planning, learning (executive skills) or anything else, you can receive remedial teaching or guidance from a student counselor. Our school also offers professional guidance in cases of, for example, fear of failure, dyslexia, giftedness, ASD, AD(H)D or any personal problems. Together with you, the student counselor examines what works best for you and helps you find your own way in school.

Homework class

In grades 1 and 2, students can take advantage of the homework class free of charge, where they can work under supervision and be helped to plan their schoolwork.

Remedial Teaching (RT).

In the first weeks of the bridge class, we test all students in the havo and havo/vwo bridge classes on spelling, reading comprehension and math. The vwo-students are tested on spelling and reading comprehension. Based on the results of these tests, a recommendation for further guidance may follow. The students who have presented a dyslexia declaration at registration are offered RT in the course of the first year, so that they can assist in especially the modern foreign languages, can make a good start.

Support for dyslexia

Dyslexic students in the upper grades are assigned a dyslexia coach to whom they can turn when they experience learning difficulties related to their dyslexia. With the coach can also discussed with the coach whether the dyslexic student can be used can use of auditory support, the so-called Kurzweil program.Click herevear the dyslexia protocol.


We offer extra challenge and guidance for these students, both in the lower and upper grades. In the lower school we have BrainSport Junior. If you are selected for this, you may skip some classes and work one or two hours each week on projects. We guide students in their executive functions, such as "learning to learn" and "self-direction" so that students have an adequate learning and working attitude.