High school in the Nuenen area

If you are a parent looking for a high school in the Nuenen area, the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum is your ideal school. This school in Eindhoven is a safe place where your child not only gains knowledge and skills, but also learns about personal growth and development. What makes the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum truly unique is the emphasis on individuality. Here your child is allowed to be themselves in an environment that values safety and personal development. Imagine a place where your child can enjoy modern facilities from August 2024 while being prepared for a successful future.

More than just a diploma

At the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum, the aim is to do more than just transfer knowledge. It is a school distinguished by rock-solid educational concepts and an inspiring environment that challenges young researchers. The promise of our school is ambitious and inspiring: with a diploma from the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum, students not only know their talents, but are also socially engaged, inquisitive and ready for the world. All this makes the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum an ideal choice in the range of high schools in the Nuenen area.

Strong together as a brainport school

In today's rapidly changing world, it is essential that education connects with the future. The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum, a proud Brainport school, understands this like no other. By collaborating with other schools, companies and organizations in the Brainport region of Eindhoven, the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum ensures that education is perfectly aligned with the demands of tomorrow. Innovation, entrepreneurship, technology and sustainability are central, preparing your child for a future that may not even exist today. For parents in the Nuenen area who want to provide their child with education that is truly ready for the future, the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum is a school not to be missed.

Registration for new students for the 2024-2025 school year is a process that requires attention and care. Starting March 18, you can schedule an application interview, an important step for both student and parents. This time provides the perfect opportunity to sample the atmosphere and ask questions directly. The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum would like to welcome you for a personal interview, with the opportunity to walk through the school together and experience your child's future learning environment. For parents in and around Nuenen, this offers a unique opportunity to get a closer look at the school that may be their child's future.

The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum offers education at three levels: havo, atheneum and gymnasium. This means we have a wide range of options to meet your child's educational needs.
An application week is available each year. First, you can then schedule an application interview via the online date picker. We encourage both digital application and a personal visit to our school with your parents or guardians.
What sets us apart is our focus on creating a safe and inspiring learning environment where everyone can be themselves. With modern facilities as of August 2024, a rich history as a foundation, and strong educational concepts, we offer more than just academic success. Our membership in the Brainport Schools underscores our commitment to innovation and forward-thinking education.
In addition to subject knowledge, we place great emphasis on the development of personal skills. Students learn to know their talents, take responsibility, make choices, and develop an inquisitive attitude. All this within a socially engaged context, ready to embrace the world of tomorrow.
Yes, as a Brainport school, we offer special attention to themes of innovation, entrepreneurship, technology and sustainability. We encourage students to use their inquiring minds and offer both time and space for personal growth and development. In addition, our new, modern infrastructure from August 2024 provides excellent facilities to further explore these themes.