High schools in Eindhoven

If you are a parent living in Eindhoven, chances are you are looking for a high school that not only excels in educational quality but is also a place where your child can feel at home. The Lorentz Casimir Lyceum, one of the leading high schools in Eindhoven, offers just that. What makes this school unique is its strong focus on personal development and safety. As of August 2024, the school will also move into a modern new building, further enhancing the learning experience. With a rich history as its foundation, the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum is known for its strong educational concepts that give each student the time and space to grow, both intellectually and personally.

A promise for the future

At Lorentz Casimir Lyceum, we understand that high school is crucial to the development of our students. With our diploma in their pocket, students leave school not only with a backpack full of knowledge, but also with a deep understanding of their own talents, an ability to take responsibility, and an inquiring mind. These aspects are essential for success in further studies and in social life. As a Brainport school, we place special emphasis on innovation, entrepreneurship, technology and sustainability, which sets us apart from other high schools in Eindhoven. By collaborating with companies and organizations in the region, we ensure that our education is perfectly aligned with the future.

The application process for our school

Choosing a high school is an important step. For the 2024-2025 school year, the application process for new students begins as early as March 18, right after the results of the progression test at the elementary school become known. We would like to invite you and your child to a personal application meeting between March 25 and 31. This is not only a formal procedure, but also an excellent opportunity to experience the school and its values up close. Even if you live outside the Eindhoven Kempenland cooperation area, we encourage you to come along. This conversation is an important moment to go through your wishes together and the possibilities that the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum offers.

As one of the leading high schools in Eindhoven, the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum is ready to welcome and guide your child on the path to personal and academic growth. Explore together the opportunities our school offers and make the choice that best suits your child's future.

An application week is available each year. First, you can then schedule an application interview via the online date picker. We encourage both digital application and a personal visit to our school with your parents or guardians.
We understand that the transition can be big. That is why Lorentz Casimir Lyceum offers a comprehensive guidance program that begins as soon as a student enrolls. This program includes introductory days, a mentor program and ongoing support throughout the first year to ensure a smooth and successful transition.
Yes, the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum offers various programs and activities for students who need extra challenge. This includes enrichment projects, participation in olympiads, and special workshops that match the inquisitive and entrepreneurial spirit of our students. In addition, we encourage personal growth and talent development through our wide range of extracurricular activities.
Safety is a high priority for us. We have clear policies for creating a safe and supportive environment, including anti-bullying protocols, a team of trained counselors and an open culture where students and parents are encouraged to share concerns. Our approach ensures that every student feels respected and safe.
As a Brainport school, the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum works closely with companies, universities and other organizations in the Eindhoven region. This partnership provides unique opportunities for our students, such as internships, projects focused on technology and innovation, and guest lectures by industry experts. These collaborations not only prepare your child for the future job market but also provide a rich, realistic learning experience.