Get a preview of the Jan. 27, 2024 open house

Saturday, January 27, 2024 there will be another open day at the Lorentz Casimir Lyceum. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. prospective students and parents are welcome to take a look and get a taste of the atmosphere. 

Read a preview of what to expect during the open house here.


Five bridge classes

We have as many as 5 types of bridge classes: havo bridge class, two-year havo/vwo bridge class, atheneum bridge class, gymnasium bridge class and gymnasiumPlus bridge class. There is always one that suits you. Next school year we will start GymnasiumPlus, as one of our new educational developments. GymnasiumPlus is for students who want to develop their talents outside of the standard curriculum. You will then also learn philosophizing and programming in the bridge class, for example.

Learn more about our bridge classes during the open house!


New construction

You can't see the new building from the road yet, but during the coming summer vacation our current building will be demolished. In fact, we will start the new school year 2024-2025 in our new beautiful school building

During the open day, you will have the chance to admire this building and even take a peek inside already.


Sports Fields

With the new building we will soon have a lot of space to enjoy sports and exercise. The current (artificial turf) sports fields will remain and in the new building we will have three gymnasiums and a climbing wall. 


And for the creative people

In addition to learning and sports, in the junior year you will also receive Drawing, 3Design and Music. In the superstructure you get Design/CKV (havo/vwo) and you can choose Drawing as your final exam subject! You will also be taught Art History. In the new building we will even have our own art wing!

In addition to all these art subjects, there is also the annual Artistic Interlyceal. This is an artistic competition (with as many as 18 art disciplines) in which you can participate. This competition is with three other lyceums (schools) in the Netherlands (in Baarn, Amsterdam and Overveen). This is a very special fun day where we go with buses and vice versa the students come to our school.

Can you see yourself taking these courses? Ask about them on the open day!


Have these topics made you curious about what else we offer? We look forward to seeing you at the open house on Jan. 27 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.